Documentary Requirements Coa

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20 CASH ADVANCES FOR TRAVELLERS (new requirements) Travel abroad Copy of undp rate for LDS for the country of destination Document indicating the dollar-peso exchange rate at the time of granting the cash advance 75 RETIREMENT ALLOWANCE Requirement for additional documentation for pension benefit entitlements under RA No. 1616 in accordance with ACO Circular No. 2013-001 of 10 January 2013 – “CERTIFICATE OF The OMBUDSMAN indicating whether the pensioner has a pending penalty or has or does not have administrative procedures. ACO Circular No. 2012-001 also contains the principles relating to the financial transactions and operations of each government agency in accordance with Article 4 of Presidential Decree () No. 1445 and the general requirements for all types of payments. 28 Documentation requirements Release of funds to NGOs/POs Other relevant requirements under GPPB Resolution No. 12-007 of 29 June 2007: 1. the legal basis or the right of appropriation/settlement providing for a particular project for the NGO/PO; 2. Statement that the project should be limited to NGOs 3. Eligibility documents (legal, technical, financial) 21 TRAVEL CASH ADVANCES (documentation requirements) Travel abroad – seminars/trainings Invitation from abroad Acceptance of candidates issued by foreign countries Programme agenda 19 TRAVEL CASH ADVANCES (new requirements) Travel abroad approved by the DILG OO/TO section regardless of the duration of the trip Correctly approved itinerary For the Air Ticket, offers of three travel agencies or equivalent flight itineraries issued by the airline / ticket office 60 COMPENSATION OF REPRESENTATION AND TRASPORTATION (RATA) (LBC No. 102 of January 17, 2013) Conditions to be entitled to RATA on a refundable basis – DURING THE STAY OF SCHOLARSHIP / STUDY / TRAINING SCHOLARSHIP 3. Study/training requires frequent interaction, coordination and mobility to meet the requirements of the course, the cost of which is not covered by the LCE certified scholarship/training. 18 Documentation Requirements Cash Advances for Travel Grants Local Travel (COA Cir.

96-004) Office Order / Travel Order Approved by LCE Duly approved certificate of itinerary from the accountant attesting that the previous cash advance has been liquidated and recorded in books 51 REPRESENTATION AND TRASPORTATION ALLOWANCE (RATA) (LBC No. 102 of 17 January), 2013) For those who are not assigned to or do not use state road transport, the commuting RATE is calculated in proportion to the number of days of actual performance of the work on working days, without paid leave. 50 AID FOR REPRESENTATION AND TRANSFER (RATA) (LBC No 102 of Jan. 17, 2013) If funds are insufficient to fully implement RATA rates, they may be granted in part at a uniform percentage of RATA rates for all relevant elements within an EMA. 78 INCENTIVE COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT (CNA) Condition for granting CNA incentive: Valid and existing CNA; The granting of the incentive is provided for by the NAC and, in addition, the LGU can only grant the CNA incentive if it has achieved at least 90% of the objectives within the framework of its P/A/P approved in the EMA budget for the year; 2013 Public Law Changes House Registered Act 1276 Public Law 6 effectively amends the meetings of the Board of Directors of the IC and the canton. 32 Documentation requirements Liquidation of funds paid to NGOs/POs OR issued by the GO to confirm the return of unused/excess amounts, including interest, by the NGO/PO; List of equipment/vehicles purchased by the NGO/PO from project funds; Guarantee for the acquisition of equipment and projects; liquidation report; and in case of dissolution of the beneficiary NGO/PO in addition to the CO for the return of the unused amount, copy of the vouchers paid by the NGO/PO. 59 REPRESENTATION AND TRAINING ALLOWANCE (RATA) (LBC No. 102 of 17 January 2013) Conditions for entitlement to the RATA on a refundable basis – DURING THE SCHOLARSHIP / STUDY / TRAINING SCHOLARSHIP STAY 1.La participation in the study / training / similar activity is short-term; 2. The study/training aims to directly improve the fulfillment of the tasks and responsibilities of the position; and. 43 ALLOWANCES, FEES AND OTHER FORMS OF REMUNERATION PERA RATA Clothing/uniforms Productivity incentive Bonuses/allowances Overtime Salary Semi-annual and year-end bonus and cash gift Pension benefits Terminal holiday benefits Fidelity Cash prize Collective agreement Incentives 16 DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS COMMON TO ALL CASH ADVANCES For the first cash advance – WA power of attorney issued by the ECA or its duly authorized representative Agents, indicating the maximum degree of responsibility and the purpose of the CA; a certificate from the accounting officer attesting that the previous certification bodies have been wound up and entered in the books; 4 BASIC PRINCIPLES APPLICABLE TO FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS (Section 4, 1445/LGC 1991) 4. Tax responsibility is shared by all persons who exercise responsibility for the financial affairs, transactions and operations of the EMA (305l); 5.

Disbursements of State resources or assets require the consent of ordinary civil servants without exception (§ 344); OMB Circular A133 Audits of States, Local Governments and Not-for-Profit Organizations 1 Training Stream for Departmental Research Administrators. Amendments to the County Employees Retirement Act of 1937 (AB 340 and AB 197) Introduced by: Contra Costa County Employees` Retirement Association. 44 REPRESENTATION AND TRANSPORT ALLOWANCE (RATA) (Local Budget Cir. No. 102 of 17 January 2013) LGU officials (on the basis of income class) may not be granted an amount of RA or TA higher than the approved rates. – Provincial Government 1st2nd3 rd 4th5th6th PG11,00010,4509,9009,3508,8008,250 PVG10,0009,5009,0008,5008,0007,500 SPM8,5008,0757,6507,2256,8006,5006,5008,0007,5008,5008,500 SPM8,5008,0757,6507,2256,8006,2256,8006,500375 PDH8 5008 0757 6507 2256 8006 375 PADH7 5007 1256 7506 3756 0005 625 CH5 0004 7504 5004 2504 0003 750 62 REPRESENTATION AND TRASPORTATION ALLOWANCE (RATA) (LBC No 102 of January. 17, 2013) HOLDER OF A DECENTRALIZED POSITION OF MUNICIPAL AGRICULTURAL OFFICER (MAO) 1. The incumbent of a decentralized MAO position, SG-20, is entitled to RATA in the amount of P2,200.00 per month.

(2) When appointed to an organic post of LGU, the FORMER decentralised MA shall be entitled to a rata for its new post. Return of all dormant accounts, special funds and unnecessary trust funds to the General Fund (E.O. No. 431 30 May 2005) DBM, 24-27 October 2012. 8 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL TYPES OF WITHDRAWALS 3. Legality of the transaction and compliance with laws, rules or regulations; 4. approval of expenditure by the Head of the Office or his duly authorized representative; and 5. Sufficient and relevant documents to determine the validity of the claim. 83 CNA INCENTIVE documentation requirements  Certificate issued by the LCE on the total amount of unencumbered savings achieved through the cost reduction measures defined in the NAC resulting from joint labour and management efforts and system/productivity/income improvement;  Evidence that planned P/A/P has been implemented in accordance with annual targets. 31 Documentation requirements Liquidation of funds paid to NGOs/POs Final report on the use of funds; Photos of the projects implemented; Inspection report and certificate of project completion issued by the authorized GO representative; the list of beneficiaries with their signatures indicating that the projects/funds/goods/services are accepted/recognised; Proof of verification of the validity of the documents submitted by the NGO/PO by the head of the GO. 9 JOINT TRANSACTIONS BETWEEN STATES 1.Granting and liquidation of cash advances 2.Transfers of funds to NGOs/POs 3.Transfers of funds to AI/liquidation by SA 4.Transfers of funds from the Trust Fund to the General Fund for Unspent Assets/Programme for the Development and Training of Surplus 💡 Human Resources 55 ASSISTANCE FOR REPRESENTATION AND TRANSFERS (RATA) (AML No.

102 of 17. January 2013) A permanent contract of a position approved in an LGU staff model and entitled to RATA may be granted the RATA for the position on a reimbursable basis if of the OO designates it as such; and b. if he is not affected or does not use public road transport, he is also entitled only to technical assistance. 82 Documentation requirements CNA INCENTIVE Ö Decision signed by management and workers` organisation containing guidelines/criteria for granting the incentive Õ Comparative presentation of the level of operating costs and actual operating costs approved by the DBM Õ Copy of the CNA wage rules/regulations 37 LGC prohibits any local authority from paying higher rates of pay than the civil servant position or employees the maximum amount is fixed. The budget limit for PS of 45% in the case of provinces, cities and municipalities from the 1st to the 3rd. The class and 55% in the case of Grade 4 or less of the total income from regular sources generated in the next previous fiscal year should be carefully considered. WELCOME TO THE INDUSTRY COMMISSION SEMINAR ON SELF-INSURANCE. 70 GUIDELINES FOR THE PAYMENT OF DUES – BAC/GTT GUIDELINES FOR THE PAYMENT OF DUES – BAC/GTT DUES PER COMPLETED PROJECT MAY NOT EXCEED 3,000 PESOS for BAC presidents, 2,500 PESOS for BAC members and 2,000 pesos for each GTT The average number of fees per month for one year may not exceed 25% of the monthly base salary. 2 THEMES Basic principles for financial transactions General requirements for all types of disbursements Specific requirements for each type of disbursement 10 JOINT GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS 5.Payment of salary 6.Allowances, fees and other forms of compensation 7.Other expenses 8.Au related to these and other expenses (discretionary costs) 9.Purchase 61 REPRESENTATION AND COMPENSATION ALLOWANCE (RATA) (AML No.