Is Abortion Legal in Monaco

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Restrictions on the range of providers or institutions authorized to perform abortions reduce the availability of services and their equitable geographical distribution. Guidelines for safe abortions, § Depending on gestational age and method, abortion treatment can be safely performed by any trained health care provider, including specialists, non-specialist doctors; associate clinicians and advanced associate clinicians; Midwives; and nurses. Health Worker Roles in Safe Abortion Care, p. 33 – Recommendation. The protection of women from cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment requires that those who have become pregnant as a result of forced or forced sexual acts have legal access to safe abortion services. Immediate and safe abortion services should be provided on the basis of a woman`s complaint, rather than requiring forensic evidence or police investigations. Guidelines for safe abortions, § The combination of mifepristone and misoprostol for medical abortion is included in the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines. Guidelines for safe abortion, § 2.2.5 In situations where abortion is restricted for the purpose of sex selection, the abortion is therefore likely to involve a dangerous procedure associated with high risks. Any strategy or guideline for the use of technology in obstetric and fetal medicine should take into account the need to ensure women`s access to safe abortions and other services – nor should efforts to control or restrict sex selection hinder or restrict access to safe abortion services.

Preventing gender-biased sex selection: an interagency statement, p. 10 – Recommendation. Concluding observations of the respective treaty bodies and selected excerpts on abortion. “The Committee notes with appreciation the amendment of article 248 of the Criminal Code and article 323 of the Civil Code, according to which abortion is permitted in order to preserve the life of the pregnant woman if the unborn child is diagnosed with a serious disease recognized as incurable at the time of prenatal diagnosis. and whether rape has been committed, regardless of the identity of the perpetrator. However, the Committee is concerned that: (a) the State party has not fully decriminalized elective abortion; (b) Information on access to abortion, post-abortion services and emergency contraceptives is limited in the State party; (c) The legalization of abortion in cases of rape is subject to the requirement of “reasonable grounds to believe that the pregnancy is the result of a criminal act”, which may expose the woman requesting the abortion to excessive questioning and invasive measures to obtain forensic or medico-biological evidence. Guidelines for safe abortions, §