Legal Terms for Judgement

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Bail – security for the release of an accused or witness in pre-trial detention (usually in the form of money) to ensure his or her appearance on the agreed day and time. Joint tenancy – A form of legal co-ownership of property (also known as survival). In the event of the death of a co-owner, the surviving co-owner becomes the sole owner of the property. Renting as a whole is a particular form of joint rental between a man and a woman. Agreement and satisfaction – compromise and agreement. A way of completing a claim where the parties agree to give and accept something to settle the claim that supersedes the terms of the parties` original agreement. Accord is the new agreement; Satisfaction is the fulfillment of the new agreement. Written statements submitted to the court outlining a party`s legal or factual allegations about the case. Contract – An agreement between two or more people that creates an obligation to do or not do a particular thing. A contract must have promised or given something of value, and a reasonable agreement between the parties on what the contract means. The parties must be legally able to conclude binding agreements. Third Party – A person, company, organization or government agency that is not actively involved in, but affected by, a legal proceeding, agreement, or transaction. The legal power of a court to hear and decide a particular type of case.

It is also used as a synonym for jurisdiction, i.e. the geographical area over which the court has territorial jurisdiction to rule on cases. The UK Supreme Court has stated that, in a relatively lengthy and costly hearing, it is important that the judgment (i) clearly identifies all the issues of fact in dispute and expert opinions, and (ii) clarifies all issues relevant to the judge`s legal opinion. and the issues that would be relevant if the judge`s legal opinion were found to be erroneous. Otherwise, there is a real risk that a full or partial retrial will be ordered, bringing the administration of justice into disrepute. [77] Cancellable contract – A valid contract that a party may terminate upon request. For example, a contract concluded by a minor is voidable for the minor or his legal guardian. The right as set out in previous court decisions.

Synonymous with precedent. Similar to the common law, which stems from tradition and judicial decisions. The chapter of the Insolvency Code, which provides for the settlement of debts of a “family farmer” or “family fisher”, as defined in the Insolvency Act. When a court renders a judgment, it may conclude that the prevailing party has the right to recover money or property. However, the court will not confiscate the money or property on behalf of the prevailing party without further action. In common law legal systems, the enforcement of judgments is governed by administrative units such as a province, territory or state, while in civil law systems, the enforcement of judgments is governed by the National Code of Civil Procedure. The enforcement of judgments is carried out in a similar manner at the conceptual level in different legal systems. This section specifically refers to the implementing laws of Canada, Germany (Saskatchewan) and the United States (California). Ad Litem – Latin term meaning “for the purposes of the trial”. For example, an “ad litem” guardian is a person appointed by the court to protect the interests of a minor or a legally incapable person in a dispute. Execute – To comply with legal requirements (e.g.

signing in front of witnesses) that validate a will. The execution of a judgment or decree also means the implementation of the final judgment of the court. Notice – Formal notice to the sued party that a civil action has been brought. Also any form of notification of legal proceedings or submission of a document. Capital Crime – A crime that can be punishable by death. Legend – The title of a legal document that lists the parties, the court, the case number and related information. Appellant – The party complaining or complaining; one who applies to the court for an appeal. Also named the applicant. Self-defence – The claim that a criminal offence was legally justified because it was necessary to protect one person or property from the threat or act of another. Common Law – The legal system that originated in England and is now used in the United States. It is based on judicial decisions and not on laws passed by the legislature. A judgment lien is a court judgment that allows one party to take possession of another party`s property, usually to satisfy a debt or similar obligation.

A judicial lien allows the creditor to take possession of the debtor`s movable or immovable property, such as houses, vehicles or other personal property. Judgment is a court decision set out in a court order that settles a dispute between two parties by determining the rights and obligations of each party. A judgment may require financial compensation or the transfer of property from one party to another. Judgments may also have non-monetary requirements, such as an instruction from one party to provide a service to the other party. A written statement filed in court or an appeal that explains a party`s legal and factual arguments. No dispute clause – wording of a will that provides that a person who legally challenges the validity of the will is disinherited. Service of a legal document or obligation to appear in court by a person officially authorized in accordance with the formal requirements of applicable laws. Service is required, unless waived, for complaints, subpoenas, or subpoenas to notify a person of a lawsuit or other legal action against that person. In comparison, a criminal conviction is intended to punish violations of criminal law, such as theft or fraud.