Dc Blm Legal Fund

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Bail funds are appearing across the country to support protesters mobilized by the death of George Floyd. However, there are no funds for DC – despite the fake fundraisers buzzing. What for? The city effectively abolished bail in 1992, and the system is only used in limited cases. While millions of dollars have been donated to BLMGN, most chapters have received little or no financial support since its launch in 2013. As chapters, we raise our own funds to continue the work we do in our own cities. The DC chapter of Black Lives Matter is also hosting a fundraiser for legal support. The Legal Defense Fund is the leading U.S. legal organization fighting for racial justice. Unfortunately, despite our best efforts, people still believe that we are the same organization, and this has seriously affected our section`s ability to raise funds and continue this work. We need your financial support. Daniella Byck joined Washingtonian in 2022. She was previously at Outside Magazine and lives in NoMa. For nearly 8 years, Black Lives Matter DC has grown from an idea developed by a small group of relative aliens in the basement of the MLK Library to a leading ecosystem of artists, activists, organizers, and healers dedicated to liberation.

We have closed highways and built communities of love and support, all in the name of black liberation. Over time, our core program has grown from monthly weeks of action to supporting the families of those lost to police and community violence, to ongoing community training and political education, to the police station, rapid response, coalition building, and mutual legal assistance east of the river. September 20 is National Voter Registration Day, so we`re relaunching our voter registration website! Will you encourage an unregistered voter in your life to register to vote today? Every year we hear, “There are so many issues at stake in this election!” But the fact is that Trump`s impeachment was not the end of it all. That was just the beginning. because since then, there has only been more at stake. After years of public scrutiny of Black Lives Matter`s (BLM) finances and governance, we joined a group of 10 locals (the #BLM10) to renew the Black Lives Matter Global Network`s (BLMGN) demands for transparency and accountability, which began in 2016. At the Minnesota Freedom Fund, we believe that wealth should never determine who is held in prison. This is what the money deposit system does. It sets a price for freedom that few people can afford and many cannot. This system is unfair.

How Racism in the Courtroom Leads to False Convictions and Mass Incarceration The New York Avenue Presbyterian Church collects supplies on Monday, June 1 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. For a complete list of the requested items, see the graph below. Follow us on Instagram to see our bail disruptors in action! After the summer of 2020, a period of increased organization for social justice and massive donations to the BLM`s liberation struggle, locals issued a public statement highlighting gaps in leadership, organization, and financial accounting. We have issued a second statement with even more chapters carefully describing history, structure, finances, political tensions, and attempts at accountability. We have told our truth in the press, on the radio and online. Learn about LDF`s work to protect the right to vote and support Black political engagement. If you want to donate directly to protesters, supply points appear near Lafayette Square and other activity centers. Requested regulations include masks, milk, medical care, and packaged foods such as granola bars and jerky.

Donation station locations are fluid and updates can be found on Black Lives Matter DC`s Twitter. Florida educators and students call for “Stop W.O.K.E.” discrimination. That is why we are working to create a society that values the freedom of all, regardless of class or identity, ends mass incarceration and invests in restorative and transformative justice. Become a returning donor today! The claim in the September 1, 2022 complaint filed by Melina Abdullah and BLM Grassroots that Shalomyah Bowers and Bowers Consulting Firm siphoned off more than $10 million in donations from the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation is completely false. Either Melina Abdullah and BLM Grassroots blatantly and deliberately lied with this accusation to make the salacious headlines, or they simply did not exercise due diligence before making such a savage and baseless accusation. Both are simply unacceptable. Your donations help support collective efforts that ensure our community has everything it needs to thrive.