Diferencia Entre Legal Y Licito

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Everything that is legal tries to guarantee a healthy coexistence, based on the ethical and moral concepts that prevail in any society. In this way, behavior that violates the provisions of the law receives the cataloguing of illegals and is punished at the administrative or even criminal level. If legality and legitimacy are terms often confused, the same applies to illegality and legality. It may seem that both concepts refer to the same thing, but in reality this is not the case. The fact that these excluded trade unionists cannot even participate as auditors to know what issues are being discussed and to express their opinions when they have no decision-making capacity is based on an illegal and illegal decision of the National Supreme Court. You never know if it might become legal again, but it will always be illegal. Therefore, we already know that legality, legitimacy, illegality and alegal are completely different concepts that should be used correctly to avoid confusion or misinterpretation. Legãtimo, according to the same academy, “complies with the law, lãcito”. So far, there will be no difference. But if we look for what this means, we will find “that it is of legal or appropriate quality”, but it is also “just, permissible according to justice and reason”. Legal is what is consistent with all the laws that talk about the issue to be addressed. What is morally correct would be lawful and, in principle, the two concepts should go hand in hand.

This is not always the case, and it is only by distinguishing this difference that we can bring together the legal and the appropriate. Legal acts are those that are not regulated by law for better or for worse. In this way, a legal act has no legal protection, but at the same time an explicit conviction is not provided. Therefore, the drafting and approval of laws is a matter of enormous responsibility, it requires study, calm, reflection, discussion and legislators, free from any pressure, with great intellectual honesty, with knowledge of reality, of other laws related to the law they intend to enact and to the legal organ of the country. The law requires us to abide by the rules set out in the laws and limit what we can or cannot do, while an act within the framework of ethics is a voluntary decision for people. The fact that, after a joint vote between the UGT and the CCOO, all members of the Administrative Committee belong to these two unions and do not allow the presence of a representative of the other forces may again be legal, but certainly illegal. The legitimate is symbolized by what is achieved with justice, what is deserved, the legal can rather be symbolized by an official seal. Justice and legality are components and principles of the democratic state. Justice indiscriminately refers to the protection of the law and its application. Legality implies respect for the law and institutions.

Based on everything we have seen so far around the legitimate definition, we can conclude that there is no better synonym for this concept than that of only, although we can also use other terms such as: legal, legal, reasonable, authorized, authorized or true. If we stick to this second meaning, “you are legal but not legitimate” means that it complies with the law, but it is not fair. Immediately, the question arises: can something legal not be right? The answer is sã. It is legal what is determined by or in accordance with the law. For example, it is legal to exercise the right to strike under the conditions provided for by law. According to the dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language±ola, remedies: “required by law and in accordance with it. Membership in the law or the law. So when we say something that is legal, we admit that it complies with the law that is bound by the law. We already know that there is a difference between legitimacy and legality, but it is worth analyzing in more detail what is legitimate, what is a legal and legal definition. Legally, we are rightly talking about the forms, observances, formalities prescribed by positive laws, the non-compliance with which can lead to the nullity of an act or to a sanction by the judge.

A marriage is not legal (void) if it is not concluded before a certain number of witnesses. A certificate from a subordinate authority is not legal if it has not been approved by the higher authority. It is common to confuse the terms legal, legitimate and legal, but here we will distinguish them. Something is legal if it complies with the applicable regulations without moral consideration. After all, something is legal if it not only conforms to a written law, but also if it is morally accepted. Repeatedly acting outside the law and arguing that it is not legal, but only legitimate, can open the way to many arbitrariness, because the laws of a democracy are in one way or another the product of an agreement, a pact between the representatives of the people and on their behalf, but often, the one who declares the legitimate is a person who, whatever its position in the political or academic world, only represents©itself and justifies its actions in its interpretation. The form required by law makes the matter legal; the condition prescribed by law or the conformity of the matter with justice and equality renders it legitimate; and the silence of the law makes it tender. Legal is anything that is permitted or supported by a law, that is, that leads to legal behavior that is not sanctioned.

This coincides with the meaning of the legal. However, it must be borne in mind that, no matter how comprehensive a legal system may be, it can never resolve all the issues that may arise in reality. Therefore, there may be actions or behaviors that are neither considered legal nor illegal. We are then faced with a case of illegality. Although these are two closely related concepts, they do not always do so. But apart from these considerations, the truth is that legal acts must be both legal and legitimate. An unlawful criminal act may be punishable by imprisonment, a fine or other secondary penalties. An act contrary to administrative law is generally punishable by an economic fine, while an act that violates labour or civil law is generally punishable by the nullity of the latter.

©There have been few people in history that slavery was legal, but it was and still is unjust, in any form, to name just one© example. Actions or things that the laws consider indifferent and that they would legally declare wrong if they prohibited them are rightly said.