Free Legal Advice regarding Work

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If you delay contacting a lawyer, you don`t know what you could do to prevent your situation from escalating, and you may not properly document events when they occur. Since it is your responsibility to prove an illegal ground such as discrimination or reprisal, you must document the evidence that supports your allegations. If you fail to document events as they occur, you may not have the evidence needed later to prove your case. You need documents or a witness to confirm facts and events. If it`s your word against your manager`s word, it will be very difficult to prove your claim. We run on-site legal clinics in local community organizations, including the Fair Work Collaborative. These clinics are designed to reduce barriers for workers seeking legal advice on workplace issues. The following links have been included to provide Section members with quick links to free employment and employment law Internet resources to assist lawyers who provide pro bono assistance to individuals requiring employment and employment law services. There are also many free legal services available online, but we highly recommend taking all online advice with a grain of salt. The law varies from state to state, and those who provide legal advice often have different opinions and may not even be allowed to enforce the law. That being said, here are some of the most popular websites: REVIEWS & ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. By clicking on the “Submit” button, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this notice: No representation will be made in any matter until a prior authorization provided by us and a disclosure agreement provided by us is signed and returned.

We provide these documents only after we have decided to grant legal aid in a particular case. National Disability Rights Network – Find legal advice by state for people with disabilities. Legal Services Corporation (LSC) – Find legal help for low-income individuals and families. Upsolve – Find free legal help to declare bankruptcy. Keep in mind that Chapter 7 bankruptcy information remains on your credit file for 10 years. This can make it difficult to get loans, buy a home, get life insurance, or get a job. Learn more about bankruptcy and other options for dealing with debt. We have found that people are often afraid of lawyers and what they charge for their services. There is a misconception about how much you have to pay for legal services from a law firm.

In fact, there is so much misinformation that most people don`t realize that in many cases it is possible to get free and inexpensive legal aid. – Find free legal aid programs in your community. Here you will find information about your legal rights by topic, e.g. housing, divorce, family allowances and debt collection. Watch this video to learn more about unlimited employment, the right to work, discrimination in the workplace, wage rights, and unemployment benefits. The video also summarizes state and federal laws that protect workers from unlawful treatment by their employers, including the National Labor Relations Act, North Carolina`s Equal Employment Practices Act, North Carolina`s Retaliatory Employment Discrimination Act, etc. Individual lawyers (also called lawyers) are experts in various areas of law. Some lawyers specialize in a particular area of law, such as commercial, civil, criminal or juvenile law. You need to determine what type of lawyer is right for your legal situation. Once you`ve found a lawyer, ask them about their experience, areas of expertise, and questions such as “How would you handle my case?” and “What do you charge for your services/what is your fee structure?” Information about the law or tools to solve simple legal problems. Immigration Legal Services – Search your state for free legal service providers.

for persons in immigration procedures. Workplace Equity: The site is operated by Workplace Fairness (formerly the National Employment Rights Institute), a non-profit organization affiliated with the National Employment Lawyers Association that provides information, training, and support to individual workers and their advocates nationwide, and promotes public policies that promote workers` rights. Cornell ILR Catherwood Library Subject Guides: Work and Employment: Separate Guides maintained by Martin P. Catherwood Library of the School of Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell University, including links to libraries and other resources for research on labor and employment issues.