Gujarat Tenancy and Agricultural Lands Rules

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(d) the construction on the land of buildings necessary for the appropriate or profitable use of such land for agricultural purposes; and (a) the construction of reservoirs, wells, water canals, dams and other works for the storage, supply or distribution of water for agricultural purposes; (h) the conditions for the exchange of land and the form of the certificate to be issued in accordance with section 33; (i) whether the period for exercising the right of sale under the above-mentioned reservation began before that date, whether or not the time limit has expired, whether or not the country was acquired after the expiry of the period during which the owner was entitled to terminate the lease, and principally article 43 applies restrictions on the transfer of immovable property; bought or sold under the Bombay Tenancies Act and the Agricultural Land Act 1948. The section states that no land purchased or sold to a person may be transferred or divided by sale, gift, exchange, mortgage, lease or assignment without obtaining the permission of the collector. The main objective of article 43 is to ensure the protection of persons belonging to disadvantaged agricultural groups and to give them the right to purchase them. (i) is satisfied that the purchaser of the land has validly acquired it for commercial purposes in good faith in accordance with paragraph 1, he shall issue to him a certificate to that effect in the prescribed form and within the prescribed time; (b) to grant a landowner who has proved that he is a member of the armed forces the right: to be an active member of the armed forces (following his lawful release or discharge). B. after a court martial or for bad character or as a result of desertion) or who did not witness to terminate the lease of his land under this stage. Relying on Mahadeo Ganpat Sawarkar v. Shakuntalabai Vishwasrao (2003), it was argued that since the word “transfer” does not appear in section 63, agricultural land can be transferred to non-farmers without the need for temporary disposal. It is also argued that the terms “sale”, “gift”, “exchange” and “mortgage” in articles 43 and 63 refer to transfers made by a living person and that the term “assignment” in article 43 must be interpreted in conjunction with the expressions previously used in that article. Moreover, the term “assignment” does not even appear in section 43, so the transfer is permitted without restrictions. `However, this application must be submitted before the end of the year immediately following the revenue year or the lease year in which the rent or income from the land was payable.` (i) the landlord has not announced the termination of his lease in accordance with § 31; or (b) for any area which the Provincial Government may, from time to time, by notice in the Official Gazette, designate as reserved for non-agricultural or industrial development: (b) lands belonging to a trust for educational purposes [a hospital, Punjarapol,] [or Gaushala]]; The bill authorizes the sale or transfer of land acquired for industrial purposes due to amendments to the Common General Development Control Regulations, changes in the company`s shareholders, or the acquisition of assets by the courts. “With the rapid industrial progress in Gujarat, the need has arisen to allow some purchases for bona fide industrial use in the state,” the minister said. Finance Minister Kaushik Patel introduced the bill, which makes changes to three different rental laws currently in place in the state.

These include the Gujarat Tenancy and Agricultural Land Act, 1948, which applies from Banaskantha to Dangs and Amreli District to Saurashtra, the Gujarat Tenancy and Agricultural Land (Vidarbha Region and Kutch Region) Act, 1958, and the Saurashtra Gharkhed Ordinance, 1949, lease settlements and agricultural land. Your land must not only be a farmer or agricultural worker, but must not exceed two-thirds of the maximum area determined. (a) the lease in respect of the tenancy must be terminated and the tenant is to be evicted without notice: (n) taking steps to put the tenant or landlord or agricultural worker or craftsman [or person engaged in related employment] in possession of the land or dwelling-house under this Act; [**]; There is a massive migration of the rural population to urban cities in search of better employment opportunities, which has led to a great loss of agricultural land in the villages, which is then acquired by people of non-agricultural origin, leading to the urbanization of villages. This threatens endangered agriculture. (a) land used for agricultural purposes [or used as such, but fallow, including the location of farm buildings] forming part of that land; and (a) the value of leases of land used locally for similar purposes; The Court held that, after referring to the provisions of Article 43 and other related provisions, it can be concluded that the main purpose of these provisions is to ensure that the statutory provision protects persons belonging to disadvantaged groups and gives them the right to acquire at a nominal cost.