How Long of a Blade Is Legal to Carry in Pa

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A common legitimate aim requires more than one conceivable legitimate aim. A vaginal knife with a handle that can be locked perpendicular to the axis of the blade or straight in line with the blade was found in the defendant`s possession in Commonwealth v Lawson, 977 A2d 583 (2009). As for PA, yes, as long as it is not a dagger (double-edged). However, I believe Philadelphia has local laws that prohibit carrying knives in public unless they are necessary for your business. So it looks like you`re out of luck for knives. So I understand switch blades and spring knives. But what about open knives supported with the lever at the back that didn`t come out? Are they legal to wear? Pennsylvania law does not distinguish between carrying a weapon openly or secretly, unless there is an intent to “use it criminally.” (See § 907) In the case of Person A, carrying a knife may be considered legal because the purpose and evidence prove the absence of unlawful intent. Person B can be arrested for illegal possession of an offensive weapon since there was no evidence of lawful use. Hi Jess; As always, I`m not a lawyer, so you should only seek legal advice from an attorney in Pennsylvania. However, I have not found anything that says machetes are illegal to possess or carry.

Only self-opening knives, daggers and any sharp instrument specially designed to hurt someone. That said, if you`re walking around with a machete on your belt in a place you`d normally never need (like a doctor`s office or grocery store), don`t be surprised if you`re confronted by the authorities. Cheers, J. Of course, there are no blades on brass/metal joints, but it`s always good to know that these heavy blows are completely illegal. So I`m right in assuming I can wear this:, in a heavily wooded suburb Your son should be allowed to carry an AP knife as long as he abides by the laws listed above. I am a Boy Scout and when I was 13 I carried a simple pocket knife, now I am 17 and I carry a Kbar Bowie knife. It`s legal by the government and knowing how to properly handle a knife was a good skill for me to learn at a young age. “Trade, use or possess a firearm” is an incredibly open clause, but as I said in the first post, I don`t know anyone who has tested it in court. As the law is currently written, owning a legal firearm exempts you from restrictions on assault weapons (with the exception of grenades, bombs and incendiary devices, as the prohibition of these is pretty well set in stone).

It seems that the intention is to allow hidden gun owners to carry other weapons (especially blackjack, tasers and other less lethal tools), but this is just speculation. As it is written, owning a gun should get you out of trouble. You just need a really good lawyer to set that precedent. Would a blacksmith and Wesson HRT be legal for a miner to hide a boot? It is perfectly legal to carry a sword staff and a dagger. It is also 100% legal to wear them openly or secretly. There has NEVER been a law or regulation. It is also not illegal to possess a prohibited offensive weapon. It is ONLY illegal to wear them. You really need to check your messages with a lawyer before spreading false information. Pennsylvania Laws Curiosity Exception Is it legal? Is it legal if I have a crime Contact us Pa butterfly knives are legal to wear after Commonwealth v Myles case before this case Butterfly knives were classified under gravity meters in pa after this court case, which reclassified the knife under the Non-Prohibited Lethal Weapons Act that made Philadelphia`s possession and transportation legal, has a zero knife law.

In the city of Philadelphia, it is illegal to carry any type of knife in public, openly or hiddenly, unless it is a business. Like in a toolbox or belt. “There is a kind of carpet cutting tool that has a double sharpening blade. If I keep a man who installs linoleum commercially and it`s a tool of his trade, it makes a difference,” Millsaps said. I am so relieved to be able to carry my machete. or my axe. when I leave the house. And that I can get my son and myself to safety.

I will save this on my homepage for quick reference. You are all great. ? I know it`s legal to “possess” a Bowie knife, but what about hidden/open port? I do a lot of hiking, so for example, if I`m walking on a hiking trail in the forest, am I allowed to hide/openly carry a Bowie knife? Can I wear a Conceal/Open in town? Specifically: Can I have it in my car or glove compartment on the way to the hiking destination? I just want to be sure where, if any, it`s legal to wear one. Hi SurvivalMinded: As with all of our recommendations, we have to say that we can`t officially give you actionable legal advice (you can only get it from a lawyer in PA State), but when it comes to “unofficial” advice, I`d say you can carry the knife. As with many knives (especially double-edged knives, which are usually designed to cause maximum internal damage while minimizing the external signs of that damage), you get different jurisdictions (and especially different police officers) interpreting you, your situation and your situation in different ways. If you give the officer a reason to doubt your benign intentions to carry the knife, you may get into trouble. For this reason, even if something is technically legal, I tend to take a step back and make sure I`m not doing anything that even comes close to crossing the line between legal and illegal (even if I`m on the legal side of that line – getting too close to it and problems can follow). This is just my “unofficial” advice! Attention, my friend, J. It is a kind of “automatic knife” that reveals a blade of the handle above a spring. Wondering if it`s legal to own, transport, and keep a knife in Pennsylvania? If so, you may be surprised to learn that the state has knife laws that protect property. Yes, in Pennsylvania, it is legal to own a knife.

I note that Queen Cutlery Co. of Titusville, Pennsylvania, near Erie, is now making a new version of the Schatt & Morgan John Henry Express automatic knife. Then I see above that the PA regulations cover carrying a knife (or not), but not manufacturing. The two usually go together, as automatic knives are mostly made in states where they are legal to wear. What happens with the John Henry Express car? Switchblade knives must be legal and arbitrarily long. You can carry a weapon, but not a blade knife. It is time to get rid of these archaic laws. Remember not to bring a knife during a shooting. His sliding dagger with a 2.5-inch blade is illegal in Pennsylvania, but in an open state on firearms and with permission to carry a hidden firearm. If you are from TN, always carry a knife that I should carry in Allen Town Is it legal to carry a folding knife under 4 inches if you are under 18? I just read the PA Standing Orders in Rule 908. It seems to me that the regulations exempt anyone who legally possesses a firearm for legal purposes. So, I legally own a skeet shotgun and I use it legally to shoot skeet, so I am exempt from this regulation and I can own a blade knife.

In certain circumstances, a person in possession of a knife may invoke Section 908 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Knife Acts. According to Section 908, Pennsylvania`s assault weapons law, there are three exceptions when it comes to carrying and possessing assault weapons. Fun little things: I have a friend in Denmark, and they have very strict gun laws, including pocket knives.