Is It Legal to Adopt a Monkey in Australia

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Also, home insurance policies may require additional liability insurance, or some insurance companies may cancel your policy altogether if they discover you have a monkey. However, if you don`t have insurance, you`re at risk if your monkey bites someone. The legality of possession is everywhere. You may be wondering where you can find a monkey as a pet without getting into trouble. While we don`t support the idea, here`s a list of some countries that legally allow you to own a monkey. If there are regulations, which are usually the case, we will note it under the country. The keeping of exotic animals is regulated by state and territorial laws that determine the type and number of animals that can be kept and the conditions under which these animals can be kept. Exotic animals such as monkeys, lions and tigers can only be kept by licensed persons and usually only for display or conservation purposes – they cannot be sold for commercial purposes or kept as pets by private owners. The codes, developed by the Agriculture and Resource Management Council of Australia and New Zealand (ARMCANZ) and now absorbed by the Primary Industries Ministerial Council (PIMC), cover issues such as the welfare of pigs, sheep, goats, livestock, deer farming, intensive rabbit farming, poultry farming in slaughterhouses, animal husbandry in sales parks, the maritime and air transport of animals and the care and use of animals for scientific purposes. However, their legal status and effectiveness vary from State to State, depending on how they are enshrined in the legislation of each State or territory.

Monkeys need a large, secure enclosure that can be expensive to build. You should spend time outdoors if possible. And they will have to be equipped with a variety of ever-changing toys and exercise equipment to challenge them, otherwise they will suffer from boredom. Some states require certain types of pens to meet permit requirements, but you should always have a place to secure your monkey to protect him and the public. Legal requirements for licensing, monitoring and enforcing animal testing conditions vary considerably from state to state. However, as with other animal welfare issues in states and territories, attempts have been made to promote uniform laws through the development of a model code known as the Australian Code of Conduct for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes. [xxxix] The legal status and effectiveness of the provisions of the Code vary from state and territory to territory depending on the extent to which they have been incorporated into relevant legislation. Overall, monkeys are not good pets. Yes, some can be pretty cute for a while. But the reality is that monkeys are capable of doing too much damage and need too much care and attention to thrive in a human home. These topics are just as important when it comes to monkeys (chimpanzees, orangutans and gibbons). In short, non-human primates and humans are poor roommates.

Mexico, which is also home to some species of monkeys native to the Central American region, has very loose laws for exotic animals (in this case, monkeys). Anyone can keep exotic animals under Mexican law – but they must come from breeders accredited by the Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT). The trade in legally acquired exotic animals has been condemned as inhumane by many animal advocates because these animals are kept in tiny homes. It has also been reported that many drug traffickers in the region are among those who benefit from these industries, and many of them have no regulations (grey market) that protect animals. [v] Article 51(xxv) of the Constitution confers certain powers on the Commonwealth to regulate fishing in Australasian waters, despite the fact that the Commonwealth, states and territories have taken a cooperative approach to the jurisdiction and control of marine fisheries over the past century. See: “The Development of Australian Fisheries Management” A cute and dependent baby monkey will eventually become the wild animal it should be. Raising a monkey around humans will not change its wilderness, and pet monkeys will never really be domesticated. In fact, deprivation of normal social relationships with other monkeys can cause behavioral problems and neuroses. If you`re moving to Queensland or considering buying an exotic pet to keep as a pet, it`s important to know which pets you`re allowed to keep as pets. Some animals are illegal to keep in Queensland without a licence. We break down the challenges associated with keeping a pet monkey, including behavioral, medical, and legal issues you may encounter. In addition, it can be difficult to keep a captive monkey healthy.

For example, monkeys often need special diets, the preparation of which can be expensive and time-consuming.