Italian English Law Dictionary Online

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TransLegal has been producing the world`s best legal documents in English (see below) for over 25 years and recently launched a new platform that provides access to our online database of legal English resources via a powerful search function. The Online Service allows the User to search for an English legal term that provides results in the form of relevant documents from TransLegal`s online legal dictionary, online language exercises, videos and audio recordings and other legal documents in English. These materials are designed for non-native speakers of the English language and are at level B2 on the Council of Europe CEFR scale. TransLegal now plans to further extend this search tool by introducing local language features. This allows the user to search for legal terms in their own language and get results in the form of English legal terms, which are a translation of the local or closely related English legal term. It will therefore be a powerful multilingual online legal dictionary, especially since the user will not only receive a translation of the local term, but will also have access to explanations of the English legal concept associated with it, as well as frequent usage errors, pronunciation records, language exercises for training, etc. Through links to relevant legal terms, language exercises and videos, the online dictionary provides users with quick access to highly relevant resources and documents. For example, exercises related to English terms returned when searching for a term in the local language allow the user to directly access TransLegal`s online courses and the functions provided therein. Videos and sound recordings also provide the user with valuable tools for pronunciation assistance. Lawyers from several of the world`s leading law schools have joined forces to create an online database of legal terminology, all linked to a single English legal dictionary.

The benefits for the university are manifold. First, the law school will forever be identified with the world`s largest legal dictionary and will be the only law school as connected for its language. Secondly, this legal dictionary will make an important contribution to the national language and its legal terminology. The scientific work done to compile the dictionary will allow dictionary users around the world to better understand the legal terminology and legal system of each participating country, thus facilitating cross-border trade. Thirdly, the partner university receives first-class online teaching materials free of charge for permanent use by all students and professors of the university. As English legal terminology becomes more widely used internationally, the meanings of English legal terms become established both in international commercial practice and in court decisions. This widespread use and stability, in turn, makes it easier for businessmen and international civil servants to choose English when drafting treaties and other legal documents, and makes it difficult to choose another language. By thoroughly defining the legal terms of other languages and comparing them with English, these legal terms become clearer and more understandable and therefore easier to accept for international parties. Therefore, this dictionary would also have the advantage of strengthening the many legal languages of the world. The overall goal of the project is to create the best and largest multilingual legal dictionary in the world. – Alpha dictionary (contains legal terms) – The Black`s law dictionary online – Cambridge Dictionary – Merriam Webster dictionary – One look – Webster`s online dictionary – Ask Oxford – Dictionary – The Free dictionary – Your – – All – Hyper dictionary – Cambridge dictionary blog – Acronym finder – US Thesaurus – Etymology dictionary TransLegal`s Learner`s Dictionary of Law is the only legal dictionary specifically designed for Lawyers and Law was developed for students who work in English as a second language.

English-speaking lawyers often use an English legal dictionary differently than lawyers who are not native English speakers. Lawyers for whom English is a second language often need to know how to use the word in a sentence, how to pronounce the word, what common mistakes to avoid (e.g. false friends) and the most common collocations (= words that belong to the search word, e.g. taking legal action or appeal). TransLegal`s law dictionary has been developed with these specific needs in mind. The TransLegal Learner`s Dictionary of Law is the result of thousands of hours of continuous research conducted by a team of legal and linguistic experts. Each term included in TransLegal Learner`s Dictionary of Law has been extensively researched to ensure that the definitions reflect current usage. Each definition has been graded in such a way that it can be understood by intermediate speakers of English. When a more complex language was unavoidable in definitions, that language was defined in parentheses. Corpora such as the British National Corpus, the Corpus of Contemporary American Language and the Collection of Legal Documents of have been used for the term bank entries and have provided a selection of examples of contemporary use as well as common collocations.