Law of the Sea Law Notes

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China refused to accept the decision. Following the PCA`s decision, the Chinese Navy has started building major seaports in Spratly Port, allowing Chinese Navy carrier fighter squadrons to be permanently stationed at Spratly Military Base. This motivated U.S. President Harry S. Truman in 1945 to extend U.S. jurisdiction beyond all the natural resources of the continental shelf far beyond the country`s territorial waters. While territorial seas are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of coastal States, the rights of coastal States are limited by the transit rights of other States, including innocent passage through the territorial sea and passage through international straits. This is the main distinction between internal waters and territorial seas. These rights are described in detail in Chapter Three, Freedom of Navigation. The flag State rule principle has also been applied under article 92, Part VII, of UNCLOS, and even in the case of environmental disputes, the flag State rule can be applied under article 217, paragraph 1, of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. In places where the coastline is deeply incised and incised, or where there is an island border along the coast nearby, the method of straight baselines connecting suitable points may be used to draw the baseline from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured.

Overfishing or overfishing occurs when a fish stock has been caught below the size that, on average, would support the maximum long-term sustainable yield of the fishery. Overfishing can lead to resource depletion, reduced biological growth rates and low biomass. Some forms of overfishing, such as shark overfishing, have disrupted entire marine ecosystems. The ability of a fishery to recover from overfishing depends on whether ecosystem conditions are conducive to recovery. These depleted fisheries can often recover if fishing pressure is reduced until stock biomass returns to optimal biomass. At this point, harvesting can resume near the highest sustainable yield possible (see Rosenberg (2003) and Grafton et al. (2007). In 1925, after Mustapha Kemal Pasha began to liberalize the Turkish economy, Turkey began to develop trade with other countries. Unfortunately, a French ship S.S Lotus and the Turkish ship S.S Bozkurt collided, causing the Turkish ship damage and the death of 8 Turkish nationals on board a Turkish ship. The remaining survivors of the Turkish ship were taken to Turkey aboard the SS Lotus. The continental shelf is a natural extension towards the sea of a land boundary. This extension to the sea is geologically formed when the seabed moves away from the coast, usually consisting of a gradual slope (the current continental shelf), followed by a steep slope (the continental slope), and then a more gradual slope leading to the deep ocean floor.

These three regions, collectively known as the Continental Rim, are rich in natural resources, including oil, natural gas and some minerals. The exclusive economic zone is international water, which can be accessed and used by any country for economic purposes. It is currently the dominant law of the sea. Figure 8.3. The concept of UNHCR. Comments: (1) The agreement on the colour of traffic lights, which shows the concept of UNHCR and specifies when a recovery plan is mandatory with regard to precautionary and limit reference points for spawning biomass and fishing mortality. (2) BPR and BLIM refer to preferred and limiting spawning biomass; and RPF and FLIM indicate preferential or limiting fishing mortality rates. An EEZ is a maritime area through which a State has special rights to explore and exploit marine resources, including the production of energy from water and wind. In general, a State`s EEZ is an area beyond and adjacent to the territorial sea that extends to the sea to a maximum distance of 200 nautical miles (about 370 km) from its coastal baseline. However, there are still exceptions to this rule where the EEZs of neighbouring countries overlap. That is, the coastal baselines of these states are less than 400 nautical miles (about 740 km) apart. When EEZ overlap occurs, it is up to states to determine their actual maritime boundary, even if there are several international conventions or rules (note that they can also be confusing, as some of these conventions or rules conflict with each other).

Swiss geologist Amanaz Gressly first used the term sedimentary facies. Learn more about sedimentary facies, their species, origin and other processes. An exclusive economic zone is a maritime zone prescribed by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea through which a State has several rights relating to the exploration and exploitation of marine resources, including the production of energy from water and wind. It stretches from the baseline to 200 nautical miles (370.4 km) from its coastline. In geographical terms, the EEZ may also include the continental shelf. Table 6. 10 flags in the register with the largest fleets (number of vessels and 1000 dwt) 2015 The high seas lie outside the areas described above. The waters and airspace of this zone are open to all countries, with the exception of activities prohibited by international law (e.g.

nuclear weapons tests). The bottom of the high seas is known as the International Seabed Area (also known as the “Area”), for which the 1982 Convention established a separate and detailed legal regime. In its original form, this regime was unacceptable to developed countries, mainly because of the degree of regulation involved, and was subsequently extensively amended by an additional treaty (1994) to address their concerns. Under the amended regime, seabed minerals under the high seas are considered the “common heritage of mankind” and their exploitation is managed by the International Seabed Authority (ISA). Any commercial exploration or exploitation of the seabed is carried out by private or public companies regulated and authorized by the ISA, although so far only exploration has been conducted. If or when commercial mining begins, a global mining company would be established and sites equal in size or value to those operated by private or public companies would be donated. Royalties and royalties from private and public mining companies, as well as all profits from global society, would be distributed to developing countries. Private mining companies are encouraged to sell their technology and technical expertise to global companies and developing countries. In 1960, IMO adopted a new version of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), the most important of all maritime safety treaties. Subsequently, IMO addressed issues such as facilitation of international maritime traffic, freeboard lines and the transport of dangerous goods. It then focused on preventing and reducing shipping accidents and reducing the environmental impact of cargo tank washing and engine room waste disposal.

States cannot exercise sovereignty over the coastal State. They will exercise sovereign rights to explore and exploit minerals, non-living resources of the seabed and soil when the first 5 years of production are at this location. The speed increases from 125th of the value of each subsequent year to 12 years and remains at seven members thereafter. If coastal States do not explore or exploit the resources of the shelf, no other State may carry out such activities without its explicit consent. Answer: Innocent passages are one of the concepts of maritime law. It allows the ship to cross the territorial sea and, if necessary, can anchor or stop in a port of the territorial sea without causing damage to the State.