Legal Aid Alberta Billing

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If you are applying for legal aid in person or by telephone, please have the following information handy: Defence Counsel Dependent lawyers are available by phone and in courtrooms to provide brief legal advice to Albertans, regardless of income. Duty counsel are your voice in a system that can seem complex, adversarial and overwhelming. The Early Appearance Service allows you to speak to a public defender up to 14 days before your first hearing. Duty counsel is free for all Albertans. Bail hearings All Albertans have the right to have a lawyer speak on their behalf free of charge at a bail hearing. Last year, LAA lawyers held more than 28,000 bail hearings. The free service operates 16 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. As a publicly funded not-for-profit organization, Legal Aid Alberta provides affordable legal services in the areas of family law, family violence, child welfare, immigration, and youth and adult criminal defence. Mental Health Review Hearings In most cases, legal representation in mental health cases is free of charge.

We may be able to help you if you have a hearing before the Alberta Review Board or if you want a mental health review panel: release you from a hospital where you are detained under the Mental Health Act; prevent a doctor from declaring you incapable of making treatment decisions Prevent a doctor from treating you against your will; Cancelling or amending your community treatment order. We are pleased to have supported you in your legal file. We hope your experience with Legal Aid Alberta has been positive. Yes. You can apply for coverage for a new legal issue, even if you have an unpaid invoice for a previous matter with us. We will discuss your payment methods each time you apply. If you are a member of the legal community or a registered lawyer, contact us for a certificate or invoice. Introduction to billing definitions and payment requirements No, you are not responsible for paying GST on your lawyer`s invoice.

Authorize Legal Aid Alberta to automatically debit payments from your bank account. Download the application form or call 1-866-845-3425 for assistance. Rate 1.37 (multiple fees) can only be charged if multiple pieces of information/protocols are resolved together on the same day. According to the price:. Legal Aid Alberta accepts payments in several ways: Personal assessments are closed due to COVID-19. Please apply by phone. You can visit our Payments page to see an example of billing with descriptions. If you need assistance, you can contact our Customer Payments team at 1-866-845-3425 or email us Rates 9:01 (expert) and 9:02 (expert fees) are special payments that require prior approval through the authorization application process. To obtain approval, submit a request for authorization according to Tariff 9.01 or Tariff 9.02, complete the required fields and attach the quote or offer of the expert you are proposing. If you believe your lawyer has not billed correctly according to the Alberta Legal Aid rate, you can email the Criminal Lawyer Checklist [email protected] to request overtime. The fees that a lawyer may charge are set out in our legal aid tariff.

A copy of the tariff can be found on our LAA Tariff website. In accordance with our government agreement, the tariff will be reviewed by the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of the Province of Alberta. Legal Aid will pay your lawyer during your case and we will work with you to create a repayment plan. All clients are expected to reimburse Legal Aid Alberta for their lawyer`s services. There is no interest on an invoice with Legal Aid Alberta, and you are not responsible for paying GST. We offer many free basic services to support and protect the rights of all Albertans and avoid unnecessary and costly court delays. Without these front-line services, the justice system itself would struggle to keep track of the caseload. For information on how and where to send an electronic transfer, please contact us at 1-866-845-3425. This rule still applies if you have more than one certificate for a single customer – if you globally resolve all 3 of your customer`s certificates at the same time, you can only charge the 1.27 fare once for the admission of guilt of a certificate and the 1.37 rate once per set of additional fees/information/routing slips resolved for the other two certificates.