Legal Author Synonym

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A person considered a vexatious litigant must obtain permission from a judge to initiate new legal proceedings. legal The process by which a place returns to a previous owner or government that relates to a person`s refusal to do something they are legally required to do, such as legally abide by an agreement or pay a debt legally tell someone that you intend to do something legal promised or given by a party in exchange for something, promised or given by another party Search the dictionary of legal abbreviations and/or abbreviations containing the author for legal abbreviations and acronyms. To say that a legal agreement or obligation is now terminated is the situation where one person is held legally liable for the actions of another person, such as: when an employer is liable for the actions of an employee. Vicarious liability is often referred to as secondary employer liability. A person to whom a legal right or responsibility is conferred by law The fact that you are authorized to have your case formally assessed by a court in order to participate in a mock court case, usually as part of the training of a law student, a fact or set of facts sufficient to justify legal action a written request or a question from a party to a dispute, to which the other party must respond. An interrogation is now generally referred to as a request for additional information.