Legal Bases of Physical Education

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WATCH OUT FOR RIGHTS HOLDERS! All materials are published on the website for informational and educational purposes only! If you believe that posting material infringes your copyright, please contact us via the contact form and your material will be removed. The theory and methodology of physical education, requires the integration of theoretical and practical knowledge of great importance for the culture of professional physics, which allows the interpretation of principles, objectives, foundations, essential concepts of matter and methods, means and procedures. – Is it right for citizens to participate in sports, physical education and have access to leisure without discrimination in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic and this law? Art. 12. – Duty of citizens. The legal basis for physical education in the Philippines is found in the Philippine Constitution of 1987, Article 14, Section 19. It states: (1) The State shall promote physical education and encourage sports programmes, league competitions and amateur sports, including training for international competitions, in order to promote self-discipline, teamwork and excellence for the development of healthy and vigilant citizenship. (2) All educational institutions, in cooperation with sports clubs and other sectors, regularly organize sports activities throughout the country. The basic physical education It is a discipline that focuses on the development of the person through the improvement of motor behavior, especially through physical activity. The idea that the student must prevail over the subject in physical education comes from pedagogical and psychological studies. Everyone has the Physical Education Act to engage in physical activities and develop in the sport of his choice, without further restrictions deriving from his physical abilities and abilities, without prejudice to the protection of morality and public order. Concepts of physical education include improving physical fitness, self-discipline, strengthening relationships with peers, and improving a person`s self-esteem and self-confidence. Physical education teaches people the value of physical activity in their lives so that they can avoid sedentary lifestyles.

People active in team sports develop good interaction skills to achieve a common goal, thereby strengthening relationships with peers and building trust. Marco Legal of the Venezuelan Education System The justification that supports the Bolivariano Education System is based on the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela as a maximum legal instrument, Rector of Development and Coexistence in the Republic, where the. Physical education is physical fitness and skill training that engages psychomotor learning to promote that physical condition. It is education through physical activity for the entire development of a person`s body and mind. It was once excluded in most societies, giving more importance to literacy. But once literacy became widespread, it was included in school curricula because people knew that fitness helped the mind. In the West, people have developed an educational system for physical education. And as more and more public schools used these education systems, physical education joined the bachelor`s degree program, majoring at Columbia University in 1901 and later elsewhere. Legal basis It consists of a series of documents of nature that serve as reference testimony and support for the investigation that we conduct, among those documents that we have: standards, laws, regulations, decrees, decisions and we usually find them in: the Official Gazette to which we .

Article 6: Everyone has the right to the teaching of physics, the practice of physical activities and the development of the sport of his choice, without restrictions other than those resulting from his athletic and physical abilities. Exercise 1 Glucose is the one that serves as a source of energy for many organisms Quantitative research Quantitative research is the process of collecting and. I want fish/dolphin wallpaper but not childish. Elegant, ant help? 1 1 The client with a histrionic personality has excessive emotionality and. What are the factors that influence the sport development program? 125 most severe concentration in the frontal lobe near the motor cortex 1st discovered in Welcome to my blog! Here are some articles related to students. Different aspects of student life, student attendance and work organization are taken into account. Contains useful information. Here you can read interesting articles about writing theses and semester tests and participate in discussions about the topics covered. NURS-FPX4050_WilliamsNichole_Assessment2-Attempt 1.pptx could measure only six inches tall and two feet wide, attached to the top of the tip.

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