Legal Requirements to Run for President

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@Post 102: There is a clear and simple person of a person who is trying to run for president in 2012. Look at the Restoration Act, 2012, which I intend to introduce to the presidency in the election. I`m just a Louisiana worker and if I win, I`ll do good things for the United States. We need a power worker – someone who knows what happens to the people if politicians don`t keep their promises to the American people. The Constitution mentions only three qualifications for the presidency: the president must be at least 35 years old, be a born citizen, and have lived in the United States for at least 14 years. And although millions of Americans vote in a presidential election every four years, the president is not actually directly elected by the people. Instead, the people elect the members of the electoral college on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November every four years. Divided by population among the 50 states – one for each member of their congressional delegation (the District of Columbia receiving 3 votes) – these electors then vote for the president. There are currently 538 voters in the Electoral College. If Obama were a citizen, we wouldn`t have this discussion, would we? The fact is that his mother had it in Kenya, and the Hawaiian “live birth certificate” can be issued up to a year after the birth of the child, and this does not mean that the child was born in a Hawaiian hospital, only that the child is alive. The fact is that his mother was Indonesian and they do not allow dual citizenship. She had to renounce her U.S.

citizenship, and she was initially not a U.S. citizen long enough, (10) years is the condition. Much of this is conjecture, and what`s worse, Obama has so far spent more than a million dollars hiding this information, and why? Why doesn`t he create a document that most of us have within ten feet? He doesn`t have one. If they did, Kenya would not have sealed the files of someone who was not born there, would they? The race-based concept is typical of the left. It has nothing to do with race, but everything to do with honesty and character, something that is no longer valued in the United States, otherwise he would be deported until he answered the charges. Any proposal to allow this president to rescind a constitutional requirement to perform his duties is absurd. If we continue to circumvent the Constitution, what is the point? In 1982, I got a job in government. All I had was a living birth certificate from the state of Michigan. The councils told me that it was not a birth certificate and that I had to get one before I could go to work. It seems to me that there is a double standard. I think if the president-elect doesn`t have to follow the rules or laws, I don`t either.

There is one aspect that I find interesting. There is no denying that Barack Obama was born with dual citizenship. His father, who was a Kenyan citizen in 1961, was a subject of the British Empire, and so Obama was born with dual citizenship (British Commonwealth/United States). Didn`t the United States recognize dual citizenship in 1961? He obviously does not have dual citizenship today. Does that prevent you from having dual citizenship at some point to be president? People in every state in the country elect a president and a vice president. When people vote, they are actually voting for a group of people known as voters. My grandfather received the highest honor of any military soldier. If he stood in front of the president of the United States, the president would be obliged to salute the man. Fifth, we have absolutely no right to know everything about people who want to be presidents.

We may think so, but it`s about as true as we need to know every little thing about every person we come into contact with at some point. Do you want everyone in the world to know what you`re doing behind closed doors? We have the right to know *how he will run our country*, nothing more. The President-elect and Vice-President-elect are sworn in and sworn in in January. Find the scheduled date of the presidential primaries or caucus for each state. We need a constitutional amendment that requires a presidential candidate to have served in the U.S. military. There is a legal definition of “born citizen”. See There are some exceptions built into the constitutional requirements for those who wish to run for president. For example, no one who has been president for two terms can stand for re-election.

Moreover, no person who has held presidential office for more than two years, even if he or she has not been elected — for example, if the Vice-President becomes President after an assassination attempt — may be re-elected only once. The Senate may also prohibit those who have been removed from presidential office from standing for re-election. Another important aspect of the presidential candidacy is public speaking and charisma. Presidents go through a long and exhausting election campaign; Travel across the country to collect votes. In doing so, they must be able to speak convincingly and clearly about important issues, even when tired.