Legal Shooting Times in Pennsylvania

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For all small and large wild animals, filming hours range from half an hour before sunrise to half an hour after sunset. It`s hard to describe because Pennsylvania is a vast state. If you look at the calendar, it is based on the time when the sun rises and sets over the eastern half of the state. If you are going west, add minutes. If you`re on the Ohio border, it`s actually 20 minutes later that the eastern half of the state. Daylight saving time ends on November 7, which means it`s daylight earlier in the day, but it will get dark shortly after 5 p.m. during the first half of winter. November 3, 28 – Deer, bear, raccoon, fox and coyote. Raccoons and foxes can only be hunted with deer after legal hunting seasons. Coyote hunters must meet big game orange game requirements each big game season.

Crows cannot be hunted during the regular deer season. Although section 141.4 (with respect to hunting seasons) provides that hunting hours are 1/2 hour before sunrise until sunset, the actual hours of Chapter 141 are not indicated. Therefore, the Commission proposes to supplement Chapter 141 with a table of shooting hours and a map of the meridians of Pennsylvania in order to clearly define the legal hunting hours and to provide them also for reference. Amended Chapter 141 (Hunting and Trapping) to add Appendix G to indicate actual hunting hours by adding the table of shooting times and the Pennsylvania meridian map. During all small game hunting seasons, deer, bear or moose gun seasons and the antlerless muzzle loading season in October, at least 250 square inches must be worn on the head, chest and back at all times and must be visible at 360 degrees. Those hunting with archery equipment during this gun season must meet the requirements of fluorescent orange. Section 322(c)(1) of the Code (relating to the powers and duties of the Commission) specifically empowers the Commission to “determine the seasons, daily filming or times and modifications thereto”. Paragraph 2102(a) of the Code (relating to regulations) empowers the Commission to “make such rules as it considers necessary and appropriate with respect to game or wildlife and hunting. Section 2102(b)(1) of the Code empowers the Commission to “regulate the seasons and restrictions on the taking of hunting.

These provisions provide the legal authority for the development of proposed rules.  In order to effectively manage the wildlife resources of this Commonwealth, the Hunting Commission (Commission) at its meeting on 7. April 2020 § 141.4, Schedule G (regarding hunting hours) amended to replace the current table of hunting hours and the table of migratory bird hunting hours to accurately reflect the dates and times of legal hunting for the 2020-2021 hunting/fur licence year. The proposed rule-making adds a table listing legal filming times to Chapter 141 and an accompanying map of Pennsylvania meridians.  (2) The adoption of amendments by the Commission in the manner provided for in this Decree is necessary and proportionate to the administration and enforcement of the enabling legislation.  No formal comments were received on this final regulation.  Financial Note: Tax Note 48-448 remains valid for the final adoption of the regulation in question.  This final regulation will not negatively affect the wildlife resources of this Commonwealth.  This final rule will apply from July 1, 2020 to July 30, 2020. June 2021.

Hunters are prohibited from moving high-risk areas outside the newly created Established Area (EA), which includes parts of Bedford, Blair, Franklin, Fulton and Huntingdon counties. Hunters leaving the state or hunting in Disease Management Area (DMA) 2 this fall should plan to properly dispose of high-risk areas if they can successfully hunt a deer or other deer. The seasons for this fall depend on where you want to hunt chickens and gobblers. While this is only a fraction of the rules and seasons found on`s website, I hope it helps you find more time to spend in the forest this fall. Good luck hunting. New regulations: The Pennsylvania Game Commission offers a new option for deer hunters with special regulations. If you are still looking for a antlerless deer license, these can only be purchased through a district treasurer. There are still several parts of the state where licenses can be purchased over the counter.  The notice of the proposed scheme was published at 50 Pa.B. published. 1385 (March 7, 2020).

With the wide variety of seasons and opportunities for hunters this fall, it helps to have a simple guide to track what`s happening and what`s required.  (c) This Order is effective upon its final publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.  The authority for this final form of rule-making is 34 Pa.C.S. (with respect to the Hunting and Wildlife Code) (Code). In the past, part of the state only allowed males during the first part of the two-week gun season for deer. This year, hunters across the state will be able to hunt deer or roe deer during the two-week season, which runs from Nov. 27 to Dec. 11, except Sunday, Dec. 5. UMM 5A, 5C and 5D – Closed for turkey hunting this year.

1 Nov 14 – Deer (archery), bear (archery only in MMU 2B, 5B, 5C and 5D), squirrel, pheasant, rabbit, grouse, white-tailed quail, wood chuck crow, raccoon, fox, coyote, opossum, striped skunk, weasel and porcupine. Bird hunting: Pennsylvania Game Commission to stock more than 200,000 pheasants In 2020, the state`s penal code was amended to allow homeowners to use purple paint instead of signs to mark their properties as private, prohibited from hunting or trespassing. This law applies to all counties except Philadelphia and Allegheny.  Unless otherwise stated, wild birds and mammals can be hunted 1/2 hour before sunrise until 1/2 hour after sunset. There are three Sundays open for hunting this fall, and there are more species of game than last year.  (1) The intention to adopt the administrative amendments adopted by this Regulation has been notified to the public in accordance with sections 201 and 202 of the Act of 31 July 1968 (P.L. 769, no. 240) (45 P.S. §§ 1201 and 1202), known as the Commonwealth Documents Act, and the provisions contained therein, 1 Pa. Code §§ 7.1 and 7.2 (with respect to the publication of draft regulations; and the adoption of regulations).

This material comes directly from the official full-text database of the Pennsylvania Bulletin. Due to HTML limitations or different display capabilities of different browsers, this version may differ slightly from the official printed version. Unique Hunt: Many options for a happy Pa. Elk Day Winners No fluorescent oranges are required to hunt deer, bear or moose, or to hunt waterfowl, pigeons, turkeys, ravens or fur carriers. Hunters who participate in the mouth-loading season after Christmas also do not have to wear fluorescent oranges Even if fluorescent orange is not necessary, the Hunting Commission strongly recommends using it. For example, a fluorescent orange hat is recommended for turkey hunters during the move. There are special orange requirements for those who hunt a blind man.  Individuals who wish to hunt or catch game or wildlife in this Commonwealth during the 2020-2021 hunting/fur licensing year may be affected by this latest regulation.  This final rule should not result in additional costs or paperwork.  For more information on this final set of rules, please contact Jason L.

DeCoskey, Director, Bureau of Wildlife Protection, 2001 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110-9797, (717) 783-6526. Landowners who use the color purple to advertise their properties use vertical purple lines at least 8 inches long and 1 inch wide. The floor of the mark must not be less than 3 feet and not more than 5 feet above the ground. And painted markers should not be more than 100 feet apart. Camping with clean energy:Pa. Campers are looking for solar panels for RVs` remote power needs I took the time this week to highlight some of the items people are looking for on the Pennsylvania Game Commission`s ( website.  (a) Commission Regulation, 58 Pa. Code Chapter 141, are amended by amending §§ 141.4, Appendix G to read as set out in Appendix A. (Editor`s note: The Pennsylvania meridian map appears at 33 Pa.B. 1356 (March 15, 2003).) Ginseng hunting: Looking for a “magic root” in Pennsylvania? Here`s what you need to know about ginseng The commission, acting pursuant to the Licensing Act, orders that: WMU 2B (shotgun and bow and arrows only) – October 30 – November 19 and November 24-26; UMP 2A, 2F, 2G, 2H, 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D and 4C – October 30 – October 13 November;  (b) The Executive Director of the Commission shall confirm this Order and Annex A and file them with the Legislative Office in accordance with the law.