Legal Term for Fun

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The meanings of lawful and legal largely overlap; However, licit may apply to conformity with laws of any kind (e.g., natural, divine, general, or canonical). This term is the most creative term for an agricultural smear law: “A law designed to protect food manufacturers from property damage and remedies resulting from false and malicious reports of food contamination.” Id., p. 83 (as defined in the “Agricultural Products Degradation Act”). You can find out more about whether a career as a lawyer is really everything you`ve ever dreamed of, or whether a path to another legal career might be right for you by checking out our article “Is it worth being a lawyer? 5 things to consider in `America`s Unhappiest Job`. In some situations, the words are legitimate and legal roughly equivalent. However, legitimate may refer to a right or legal status, but also, in the case of extensive use, to a right or status supported by tradition, custom or recognized norms. This term may be familiar to the most tech-savvy, but a logic bomb is “destructive or disruptive computer software placed on a computer, server, or network that waits a certain amount of time to activate.” We have combined these two terms because they are often used in conjunction with each other. Your criminal law course will teach you the basics of a crime. Two of these elements are actus reas (act) and mens rea (mental state). Zombie is independently defined as “remaining in force or being resurrected despite circumstances that should have led to extinction”.

Id. ca. 1855. But you can also find more specific uses of the term, such as “zombie debt” (id. at 489), “zombie mortgage” (id. at 1166) and “zombie title” (id. at 1714). Consecutive or simultaneous: Determined by the judge during the sentencing phase, custodial sentences may be served for two or more offences consecutively or simultaneously. The former means that prison sentences are served sequentially, while the latter means that prison sentences can be served simultaneously. Judges may not be too familiar with street jargon, but they are clinging to another farce, which they like to call the federal justice system, and it too has its own language. Despite our statements that neither we nor the judges care about legal language, there are certain peculiarities of the English language that they cannot resist.

Now that you`ve refreshed the 50 most common terms, you might feel like you can stand on your own in front of a judge and jury. If you`ve caught yourself dreaming about what it`s like to work as a lawyer between episodes of your favorite court shows, it may be worth exploring the question that`s eating away at you: What is it really like to work in the legal system? Some common synonyms of legal are legal, legitimate, and legal. Although all of these words mean “in accordance with the law,” the law refers to what is sanctioned by law or in accordance with the law, especially when written or administered by the courts. Although this term is called slang, it refers to “a crime that can be charged as a felony or misdemeanor.” Id. about 1840. Another W word you might not expect to find in Black`s Law that doesn`t carry the familiar pejorative is “Whopper,” which is described as “a blatant lie; A grossly exaggerated lie. Id. about 1832. You will usually see these terms in legal citations, and their exact use will be of great benefit to you! Infra simply means low, while high means high. Essentially, they only refer to something that happens or is quoted before or after a point. Acquittal: An acquittal occurs when a jury finds an accused not guilty or, in the case of a trial, when a judge finds that there is insufficient evidence to support a conviction.

You will receive legal advice from a lawyer. This discussion is privileged. This is called solicitor-client privilege. Forgiveness: Also known as executive pardons, pardons are the power a president has in federal criminal cases to grant a legal pardon to a person convicted of a crime. Pardon powers include pardoning a convicted criminal, comchanging his or her sentence, or reducing the death penalty to a lighter sentence, for example. Governors also have this power in the beliefs of the state. Robbery for burglary: In the justice system, robbery is considered a criminal expropriation of another person`s property against their will through violence or fear. Burglary doesn`t actually require theft – it`s simply the illegal entry into a home or business with the intent to commit a crime inside. This term refers to a party who has chosen not to hire a lawyer and to represent himself. Real innocence: The term real innocence refers to the absence of facts necessary for a conviction and is a common defense against criminal charges. In the context of a post-trial appeal in which this defence is used, an accused must present additional evidence that undermines the court`s confidence in a guilty verdict.

The words legal and legal may be used in similar contexts, but legal applies to strict compliance with the provisions of the law and applies in particular to what is regulated by law. (For an even longer list of Latin words for law students, check out our article on 30 Legal Terms You Should Know Before Studying Law!) Black`s Law is a matter of precision. If you want the legal definition of man`s best friend, it reads: “The ordinary pet with four legs, fur and tail and is often kept as a pet… Id., p. 589. Beyond the general definition, the entry lists 18 specific types of dogs (e.g., fire dog, police dog, service dog) and 3 familiar uses. Case law: A term you may have heard casually in your favorite courtroom dramas, case law refers to the law as established in previous court decisions. Case law is a way of citing precedents. While the trial may be considered the main event for casual observers, true court enthusiasts know that a lot needs to happen before we even get to the trial. From gathering evidence and questioning witnesses to laws and official processes that must be followed, the following court terms are the ones you usually hear regarding the pre-trial period of a case. Better known as an “ethical wall” or “firewall,” this term refers to “[a] screening mechanism maintained by an organization, particularly a law firm, to protect client trust from inappropriate disclosure to lawyers or employees who are not involved in a particular representation.” Id., p. 670 (defined as “Ethical Wall”). If you`re planning to study law, the legal system isn`t the only thing you`ll learn.

The law has its own language, filled with foreign words that will probably be unknown to you. Many of the keywords you`ll hear in law school come from Latin. As a result, we have compiled this list of 10 Latin words for law students. Whether you are new to law school or more experienced, it will be very helpful for you to memorize these words! They often appear in case notices, briefs, manuals, etc. and are usually undefined. Learning these 10 Latin words for law students will give you a head start and save you time. This term describes the “illegal practice of putting paper money in an ATM and then withdrawing the money again. thus withholds cash and illegally acquires property.

Id. c. 1852. Fortunately, Black`s Law goes on to explain that while this was a common problem in the 1980s and 1990s, sales technology has evolved to prevent this practice. See id. This is another term most often heard in the context of the issuance of an application. A writ of habeas corpus is sought when a person is detained and you want them to be brought before a judge to determine the legal basis for the capture.