Licensed Legal Definition

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A licence does not grant a free hand to use the licensed rights, whether in public or private property. An implied license can be a more ambiguous relationship because no explicit permission has been granted by law. The classic example is the implicit permission a firefighter has to enter a burning building, even if the owner is not present, to officially authorize entry. In business, this concept tends to lead a licensee to interpret communication with a licensor as an implied authorization to use an asset. A common example in law schools is that of a hunter who has written permission to hunt on a landowner`s property. Without this permission, the hunter would be considered an intruder and would have very little legal protection from the dangers that occur during hunting there. The hunter also could not be considered a guest person, a legal term to describe a guest who can take legal action in response to damage to the property. In intellectual property law, a licensee is a legal entity that has limited rights or permissions to use a patent, trademark or other intellectual property owned by the licensor. Licensees and intellectual property licensors generally enter into licensing agreements that contain negotiated terms for the use of the licensor`s property. Often, licensees agree to pay royalties to the licensor in exchange for limited use of intellectual property. An intellectual property license allows a licensee to use, manufacture and/or sell the property under license. In contract law.

An authorization granted by a competent authority that confers the right to engage in an act that, without such authorization, would be illegal or would constitute trespassing or a crime. State v. Hipp, 38 Ohio St. 220; Youngblood v. Küster, 32 Mich. 406, 20 h. Rep. 054; Hubman v. State, 61 Ark. 4S2. 33 pp. W.

843; Chicago v. Collins, 175,111. 445. 51 N. E. 907, 49 L. R. A. 40S, 67 L. R. A. 224.

Also written proof of this authorization. In real estate law. Committing an authority, a particular act, or a series of acts on someone else`s land without owning any property on it. Clifford v. O`Neill, 12 App. Div. 17, 42 X. Y. Supp. 607; Davis v. Townsend, 10 Barb. (X.

Y.) 343; Morrill v. Mackman, 24 me. 282, 9:124 a.m.; W.vnu v. Garlande, 19 Ark. 23, 08 hours. Dec. 190; Cheever v. Pearson, 16 choices. (Mass) 266. Written proof of the power of attorney is also granted in this way. It is distinct from an “easement”, which involves an interest in the land concerned, and a “lease”, or the right to take possession of the land.

Maybe. However, and often, this is the case. As part of the granting of interest in the land itself or the right to realize the profits. 1 vanity. Echte Prop. *398. Im Plädoyer. An objection justifying an action for trespassing that the defendant was authorized by the owner of the property to commit the alleged trespass. In patent law. A written at the ?? The owner of a patent grants WI LICENSE 724 LICERK another person who authorizes him to manufacture or use the patented object for a limited period of time or in a limited territory.

In international law. The permission granted by a belligerent state to its own subjects or to the enemy`s subjects to engage in trade prohibited by war. Wheat. Int. Act, 447. Intellectual property, such as patents, may also be licensed. This is often little more than a promise not to sue, such as when royalties are paid. For example, an End User License Agreement (EULA) is a contract included in most software packages that describes the rights to which the user of the software is entitled. It usually explains how many people can use the software, whether it can be used on multiple computers, and whether it is transferable. LICENSE, Contracts.

The right granted by a competent authority to perform an act that would be unlawful in the absence of such a power. The instrument or font that guarantees this right is also known as a license. See Ayl. Parerg, 353; 15 wines. From. 92; Ang. Wat. Co. 61, 85.2.

A license is express or implied. An express license is a license that directly authorizes the execution of a particular action; as a license to operate a tavern granted by the public sector. 3. An implied licence is a licence which, although not expressly granted, may be presumed on the basis of the acts of the party entitled to grant it. Examples of such licenses include: 1. If a man knocks on someone else`s door and it is opened, the act of opening the door allows the former to enter the house for any lawful purpose. See Hob. 62. A servant has the right, by virtue of his employment, to receive into the house those who enter into the affairs of his master, but only such persons. Selw. N. p.

999; Cro. Eliz. 246. However, it may be inferred from the circumstances that the officer has the power to invite whomever he wishes to the house for lawful purposes. See 2 Greenl. Ev. section 427; Entrance. 4. A license is either a mere authority, without interest, or it is associated with an interest. 1.

A simple licence shall be issued by the party to whom it is personally granted and may not be transferred or assigned by it to another; and without consideration may be revoked at will, as long as it remains enforceable; 39 hen. VI. M. 12, page 7; But once it has entered into force in whole or in part, it can only be revoked if, by its very nature, it permits revocation by placing the other party in the same situation as before commencing its performance. 8 East, r. 308; Palm. 71; S. C. Poph. 151; Roll S. C. 2.

143, 152. 5.-2. If the license is associated with an interest, the power granted is not a simple permission, but a concession that cannot be revoked and can then be transferred to a third party. 5 hen. V., M. 1, page 1; 2 Mod. 317; 7 Bing. 693; 8 East, 309; 5 B. & C. 221; 7 D. and R.

783; Crabb on R. P. §§ 521-525; 14 pp. and R 267; 4 pp. and R. 241; 2 Gl. Cas. of. 522. If the licence is linked to an interest, the formalities essential for conferring that interest must be complied with. Say. No.

3; 6 East, r. 602; 8 East, r. 310, note. See 14 pp. & R. 267; 4 pp. and R. 241; 2 Gl. Cas.

of. 522; 11 Ad. & El. 34, 39; S. C. 39 Eng, C. L. R.

19. The authorization granted by the competent authority to exercise a particular privilege which, in the absence of such authorization, would constitute an illegal act, trespassing or crime. The certificate or document itself that authorizes otherwise prohibited conduct. The part in possession of a license. Licensees have been granted restricted rights or approvals by a licensor in the form of a license. Licences allow licensees to do something that would otherwise be prohibited by law. The rights that a licence grants to a licensee are limited by the power of the licensor to transfer those rights. This means that a licensee cannot obtain more rights to a licence than a licensor can grant. Some examples of licence holders are persons holding a driver`s licence, persons licensed to practise medicine, and a person licensed by a landowner to store goods on the landowner`s land. Licensees may enter into a contractual relationship with a licensor in order to obtain a licence.

A licensee has obtained legal authority from another party to conduct a type of business over which the other party has some control, ownership or authority. The licensee can pay directly for this approval, known as royalties, or make payments based on the results of the commercial agreement, called royalty revenues. Not all persons engaged in a licensed activity are required to obtain a licence. For example, the owner of a liquor store must obtain a licence to operate it, but cashiers and warehousers do not need to obtain a licence to operate there. On the other hand, not only must a dentist be licensed to practise in a dental practice, but dental hygienists and other dental assistants must each be licensed to work in the practice. A licensee is a company, organization or individual that has received legal authority from another company to engage in an activity. The authorization or license may be granted expressly or implicitly. 1) Government authorization to perform a particular act (for example, to marry), to carry on a particular business or profession, to use machinery or vehicles after the ability to do so has been proven with certainty, or to use property for a particular purpose. 2) n. The certificate that proves that you have been given the authority to do something under a state license. (3) n.

the private granting of the right to use immovable property for a specific purpose, such as the organisation of a concert. 4) n. a private concession of the right to use intellectual property such as a patent or musical composition. 5) v. grant permission through a government agency or private agreement. Among the many activities that require a licence issued by a government agency are fishing; Hunting; Marry; driving a motor vehicle; the provision of health services; the exercise of the right; Production; activity in retail and wholesale trade; the operation of a private, commercial or technical school; Provision of commercial services such as those offered by whitewater rafting equipment suppliers and travel agencies; provide public services such as food and environmental inspection; and the exploitation of public pinball machines. If a landowner allows a person to work or perform a deed on the landowner`s property, the visitor has a permit to enter the property. This type of license does not need to be signed and formalized: it can be oral or implied by the relationship or actions of the parties. For example, a utility inspector has a license to enter private property to maintain the utility and measure consumption. In such cases, the licensor or licensor shall have an obligation to ensure that the premises are safe for the licensee.