Ministry of Legal Affairs Birth Certificate Forms

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1. Date of birth of the child. 2. Mother`s maiden name. 3. Place of birth. Required documents: (1) Completed application form – available at the mentioned locations. (2) For birth and/or death certificates, a form issued by the District Chancellor at the time of registration may be required. Photocopy of previous certificate issued by the Department of the Chancellor General.

This service refers to registration after one (1) year of birth. Our goal is to provide essential services to all people, as required by the laws of Trinidad and Tobago. See forms below: Provide information to the registrar of the county closest to the child`s place of birth within three (3) months of the child`s birth. Minimum cost per child: $75.00. Costs include replacement of the birth certificate. This service is available by appointment, depending on your personal visit with your documents. Required documents: (1) Evidence to support the change in record, e.g. affidavit, baptismal certificate, vaccination certificate, Form 19. (2) Document that needs to be corrected. (3) Other relevant documents requested by the Secretary IV. These certificates can be ordered and obtained from the Chancellor-General`s Department at the following address: (1) Civil Registry, Chancellor-General`s Department, Attorney General`s Office and Ministry of Legal Affairs, AGLA Tower, Government Plaza, corner of London & Richmond Street, Port of Spain. (2) 9 Leotaud Street, San Fernando.

(3) 2nd Floor, Pennywise Building, #10-10A Devenish Street, Arima (4) Caribana Building, Bacolet Street, Scarborough, Tobago. Late registration refers to three (3) months after birth, but before one (1) year. Process: This service is available at the following offices, where forms are also available: Check with the civil registry office, general registry office, registry office or registrar closest to the child`s place of birth. To apply for a special marriage certificate, both parties do not need to be residents of Trinidad and Tobago (i.e. not generally resident in Trinidad and Tobago; and for citizens of Trinidad and Tobago, they are generally not allowed to reside in Trinidad and Tobago for at least 3 years). Apply to the Registry Office, Attorney General`s Office and Department of Justice, AGLA Tower, Government Plaza, corner of London & Richmond Street, Port of Spain or Caribana Building, Bacolet Street Scarborough, Tobago. We ensure that the administration of justice operates quickly, efficiently and efficiently, and that all people have adequate access to justice, regardless of their means. We ensure that the most important events on the island are recorded. Authorization for late registration of childbirth (after three months). This service is only available in Port of Spain at the office of the Solicitor General Tower C, International Waterfront Centre, 1A Wrightson Road Port of Spain: approx. 3 days.

Tobago: About 7 days. Cost/fee: $100.00. Information required for marriage: 1. Names of parties. 2. Date of marriage. Delivery time: Civil Registry, Department of the Chancellor General, Office of the Attorney General and Ministry of Legal Affairs (AGLA), Port of Spain – 5 working days. San Fernando and Arima – 10 working days. Tobago – 3 working days. Cost/fee: $25.00. Cost/fee: $100.00 – Payable at the box office of the Chief State Solicitor Tower C, International Waterfront Centre, 1A Wrightson Road. Register immediately with the district registrar closest to the place of death.

Death information: 1. Name of deceased. 2. Date of death. 3. Place of death. This is the registration after one year of death. Process: Check with the Chancellor`s Department`s Vital Registry, Attorney General`s Office and Ministry of Justice, AGLA Tower, Government Plaza, corner of London & Richmond Street, Port of Spain or the District Registrar closest to the place of death. The insertion of the father`s name on the postpartum birth certificate was $20.00 registered with the District Registrar.

$50.00 at the Director`s office. The authority of the president waives the requirement for a person living abroad who intends to marry a resident/national to hang up his marriage messenger. Contact the registrar closest to the child`s place of birth. Need for up-to-date affidavits to support it. Customer days: Monday – Sunday Operating hours: All reasonable hours. Seven days after the undated release, bans were issued. Cost/fee: $10.00.