Texas Abortion Law Legal Issues

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A judge has not yet ruled on this request. But it created an opportunity that abortion funds have been waiting for — a way to challenge the law by prosecuting someone who intends to enforce it. “This is a better procedural mechanism to take the case to the [US] Supreme Court. And that solves many of the problems of previous challenges,” he said. And then, of course, a Supreme Court decision is binding on all state and federal courts. Two Texas abortion groups are attempting a new legal strategy to crush the state`s restrictive abortion law, which has so far been challenged in court as very difficult. But abortion clinics and funds are now suspending services because Texas` attorney general and some anti-abortion activists argue that state laws that preempt abortion from Roe v. Wade — and was never repealed — could now be in effect in Texas. If you need an out-of-state abortion, we can help you find a provider and resources to make it happen, including financial assistance. You can also visit www.iNeedanA.com to learn more about your options, or click here to see a map of Planned Parenthood health centers that offer abortions in other states. That was the hurdle in the previous challenge to the federal law: While lawyers representing abortion providers identified a number of state actors they believed were responsible for enforcing the law, the U.S. Supreme Court disagreed with most of them.

Recently, the Texas Supreme Court rejected the last remaining argument in the case, leaving no one to challenge legally. Do I have to see the same doctor at every visit? Yes. Texas law requires that the doctor who performs your ultrasound be the same doctor who performs your abortion. The state also requires you to make follow-up appointments with the same doctor. This means that you cannot get your ultrasound from a doctor and then go to another doctor for the actual procedure. This case is being closely watched, not only in Texas, but across the country. Other states, including Idaho and Oklahoma, have taken steps to pass similar laws that create private abortion bans. Can I get pregnant again after an abortion? Yes. Abortion has not been shown to cause complications in subsequent pregnancies, and there is no scientific evidence that abortion is associated with infertility. Is it true that Texas has some of the most restrictive abortion laws in the United States? Yes.

Texas` abortion laws are among the most restrictive abortion laws in the country. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the American Medical Association oppose some Texas abortion laws because excessive restrictions on abortion care put patients` health at risk. Because of these laws, there are not enough abortion clinics to adequately treat people in the second most populous state in the country. About 900,000 people who can reproduce in Texas live more than 150 miles from an abortion clinic. To learn what other laws govern abortion in Texas, click here. How much does an abortion cost? The cost of an abortion varies depending on several factors, including the state of your pregnancy and the provider and method of abortion you choose. The cost in the first trimester ranges from $300 to $800 for a medical abortion and between $300 and $1,500 for an abortion. Hospitals generally charge more. If you need an abortion but can`t afford one, there are many clinics and nonprofits to help you pay for it.

For more information, see abortionfunds.org. The first visit is for an ultrasound and the second visit is for the procedure. Under SB 8, another ultrasound is required on your second visit to ensure that you are still within the new legal limit for abortion treatment in Texas. If the second ultrasound shows that you have crossed this new legal line, we can still help you access out-of-state abortion care. Abortion funds are not protected by Roe v. Wade, making them more vulnerable to prosecution under Texas` abortion law. But with the U.S. Supreme Court reviewing an abortion case in Mississippi that could topple Roe, it may be advantageous to file a legal challenge on other grounds.

Last year, lawmakers passed a so-called trigger bill that would take effect 30 days after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, which criminalizes abortions. But in addition to trying to remove the heads of two abortion funds, the Thomas More Society and the America First Legal Foundation have actively threatened the abortion fund with lawsuits on social media. The legal challenge to abortion funds is based on other constitutional rights — including due process, reputation, and freedom of expression — that will remain in effect even if Roe is overthrown. Last updated: 10 December 2021 If you are in Texas and need abortion treatment, visit the following websites for logistical and/or financial assistance: A group of abortion providers filed a lawsuit Monday to prevent an old abortion ban that preceded Roe v. Wade before a trigger law went into effect that bans most abortions in the state. Where in Texas can I have an abortion? Due to regulations such as those enacted under House Bill 2 in 2013, the number of abortion providers in Texas has dropped significantly. The following cities have one or more abortion providers: Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth, El Paso, Houston, McAllen, Waco, and San Antonio. For a full list of abortion providers in Texas, see: www.needabortion.org.

White says the problem of supply and demand is likely to only get worse.