University of Newcastle Diploma of Legal Practice or Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice

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Our communities face governance, education and health challenges that require not only big data and clear policies, but also socially just research practices that can hear and empower everyday voices. A key component of the program is 285 hours of work experience, with at least 105 hours of internship at UNLC. All students complete 80 units of the LAWS core course program, including the legal system and method, offenses, criminal law and procedure, and contracts. Once students have completed these core programme courses, the LLB (Hons) programme is divided into two streams: the Bachelor of Laws (with Honours) (the LLB (Hons) programme), in which students undertake traditional law studies; and the Bachelor of Laws (Honours)/Diploma of Legal Practice (the Professional Program), which combines traditional legal education with practical legal training and experience. True customer experience is at the heart of Newcastle`s clinical legal education model. Professor Tania Sourdin discusses misconceptions about student work outcomes and the impact of the changing nature of technology on the legal industry. Honours are an integral part of the program. All students who successfully complete the program will earn a Bachelor of Laws (Honours). Students who excel in their studies have access to graded honors calculated according to University policies. The Directive is available at: For more information on eligibility for specialized awards, visit the program coordinator`s website. Have you ever earned a law degree in a jurisdiction outside Australia? If so, you may be eligible for up to 80 credit units under the JD/GDLP program, which will significantly reduce costs. If you have completed a postgraduate law degree in Australia (for example, as part of a Juris Doctor programme at another Australian university), you will likely be able to credit at least some of these courses.

Students who receive credits and start the program mid-year (in the winter semester) may be able to complete the JD/GDLP program in 2.5 years. 4. Current students who have joined the LLB as a Graduate Hop and current students in the third and fourth years have access to the existing transitional arrangements for graded honours. Newcastle Law School has incorporated elements of practical skills into all its courses. As a result, students and employers can be sure that every Newcastle Law School graduate has been taught and assessed in all the skills present in a long list of skills and attributes relevant to today`s lawyers. This booklet highlights many of these achievements. In addition to the supervised legal work experience you gain through our legal practice programme, you can gain additional in-depth practical experience by attending one of our bespoke legal clinics, which explore a range of areas, including: Whether you are pursuing a combined LLB (Hons) programme or a Juris Doctor/Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice, The LLB (Practice) programme will continue during the last two years of your Law School. Students in the programme deal with real clients and their legal issues at Newcastle University Legal Centre (UNLC) and in internships.

There is no direct entry into this programme – entry is via the transfer of the Bachelor of Laws (Specialisation) degree combined with the completion of the non-legal part of your studies. Students who wish to study law without a combined degree should refer to our Juris Doctor (JD)/Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice program. All Newcastle University law degrees are combined degrees. Newcastle University Law Students` Association Since 1994, the Newcastle University Law Students` Association has been promoting the interests of Newcastle law students within the University, the legal profession and the wider community. Bachelor of Laws (Honours) students who wish to practice law must complete a postgraduate professional program approved by the Office of Admissions for the Legal Professions. Graduates of the Bachelor of Laws (Honours)/Diploma of Legal Practice may apply for admission to the Bar without further education. The Bar Practice Course (BPC) is the qualifying postgraduate course that enables graduates to prepare and practise for lawyers in England and Wales. This is the level of professional training you need to complete before you can complete the final and practical phase of the training: the student body. A key component of the program is 285 hours of work experience, including at least 105 hours of articling at the legal clinic. You will have the opportunity to work on important cases of public interest where there may have been miscarriages of justice or human rights violations, including assistance to asylum seekers. If you wish to qualify as a lawyer, we offer a range of combined degrees (for students) and the Juris Doctor / Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice (for students who already have a college degree). If you would like to broaden your expertise in a specific area of law, you might be interested in one of our Master`s programmes.

As a law graduate who wants to become a lawyer, CAP is the final step in your education. You will study CAP after completing a law degree or the graduate diploma in law. This bridges the gap between university education and training in a law firm. The Bachelor of Laws (Honours)/Diploma of Legal Practice meets the academic requirements for admission to the practice of law in New South Wales. You will be considered to participate based on criteria such as your undergraduate studies and/or equivalent prior knowledge and/or relevant work experience. The Master`s Law Conversion Course (SQE1) includes the ULaw SQE1 preparation course which prepares students for SQE1 assessments. The course is designed for non-law graduates who wish to qualify as a lawyer and obtain a master`s level legal qualification. With a high level of support from the start, as well as four weeks of Guaranteed Qualifying Work Experience (QWE) at our legal advice clinics, this course is a great introduction to law if you have a bachelor`s degree in another discipline. Our graduates have some of the highest employment rates of any law school in Australia, due to our focus on career and professional development.

“Law School in Newcastle has been a great adventure for me. I love the city and I am proud of the education I received. I really enjoyed the personal connection between faculty and students, and the opportunity to receive an in-depth supervised internship was worth dedicating three years to a comprehensive legal education. Upon my return to Canada, I was able to pass the appropriate exams and begin my legal career. ULaw`s LLM Legal Practice (SQE1&2) course is designed for graduates who wish to qualify as a lawyer using the new SQE pathway to practice and also earn a master`s award. We focus on the skills employers are looking for so you can broaden your academic knowledge while preparing for the realities of life in legal practice. You will receive four weeks of Guaranteed Qualifying Work Experience (QWE) at our legal advice clinics. This course ensures that you are perfectly prepared for your career as a lawyer as well as for passing the SQE exams.

Law on the Beach is a free legal clinic held every January and February as part of the Newcastle Surf Club. Getting a spot on the competitive moot court course is, well, competitive. But if you miss it, there are plenty of other ways to participate in national legal skills competitions on an extracurricular basis. Law students at Newcastle University often excel in these competitions. Recent highlights include: Fostering a passion for social justice, respect for the rule of law and commitment to client interests. Students are challenged to critically analyze the links between law in theory and law in practice and to reflect on and critique the practice of the legal profession. Law School staff also assist students in arranging external internships to identify the remaining 180 hours of professional training required. The Faculty of Law organizes external practical legal rotations for all students seeking assistance in arranging their internship in the final year of the program. Students are offered a variety of legal environments, from small private companies to large government organizations.

Examples of internship locations include: Newcastle Law School offers innovative legal education with interdisciplinary and internationally oriented experiential learning. Through first-class, research-driven legal education, we integrate the study and practice of law. Law studies prepare graduates not only for careers in the legal profession, but also for a variety of other roles in sectors ranging from government and business to media and the arts. Graduates often find this qualification to offer a competitive advantage when applying for a variety of roles, as many employers value analytical thinking and logical thinking. Below is an example of some of these job titles. Admission to our bachelor`s degree programmes generally requires successful completion of an upper secondary school diploma, similar to the Higher School Certificate (HSC), the highest educational award in New South Wales schools.