What Is the Definition of Obsession

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“Look, old man, this superstitious nonsense is becoming an obsession for you,” it was said on a beautiful April morning. For starters, Kondrat said store clerks often have incentives to appease belligerent in-store customers because retailers are obsessed with online reviews, and it can be hard to break the leadership of this habit. Talpers played a lot with lynching because he knew that fear of the mob had become an obsession for McFann. Sweden is exploring new frontiers in our misguided, stupid and senseless obsession with ratings and entertainment censorship. In fact, as a new op-ed in the Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy notes, the rise of GPS watches has only increased our obsession with mileage tracking. A concern with a feeling or an idea. In psychology, an obsession is like a compulsion. Another striking aspect of Göbekli Tepe is an obvious obsession with death. The attempt to “replicate” the aurochs of Germanic legend was a play with the Nazi obsession with racial purity and eugenics. This meant that he had definitely given up on pretending he had the power to rid himself of the obsession. You write about your obsession with sneakers – why do you think so many young men love sneakers? When you have an obsession, you are totally obsessed with something and unhealthily devoted to it. Some common obsessions include fantasy football leagues, celebrity gossip, and Elvis memorabilia. Obsession is like a passion for something that crosses the line into crazy territory.

Sometimes people are so preoccupied with their obsessions that they become anxious or emotionally unstable. For example, if you have an obsession with the Yankees, you can attend every game, skip work to see spring training, line your bedroom with Yankees posters, and write love letters to Derek Jeter. I`ve developed an absolute obsession with this space and this brand, and our team feels the same way. Jack`s obsession with personal cleanliness annoys everyone. The girls` interest in the star bordered on obsession (= was almost an obsession). Du Pont completely immersed himself in a field – like birds – before moving on to his next obsession. Britannica.com: Encyclopedia article on possession It`s a kind of obsession, and it`s often a matter of life and death if the mascot can withstand the pressure of the situation. He launched a guerrilla campaign against the obsession with using the brandy bottle. Nicki treats the obsession with her pop ambitions as a superficial and irrelevant irritation. In context, it is a gentle admonition about an obsession with youth and beauty, but it can easily be seen in a broader sense. Find the answers online with Practical English Usage, your go-to guide to problems in English. Find out which words work together and create more natural English with the Oxford Collocations Dictionary app.

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